Thursday, April 11, 2019

Strawberry Fool 🍓 اسٹرابیری فول recipe by morEwish

If you’re looking for a super simple, last minute idea for dessert tonight, this Strawberry Fool is one of the easiest desserts you could make. It is essentially fresh strawberries and whipped cream but if you are looking for a healthy alternate substitute heavy cream with sour cream or greek yogurt

If you’ve never heard of a fruit fool before, you might read through the ingredients and instructions and conclude that it’s just fruity whipped cream, and you would be right and wrong at the same time.

True, it is basically a fruit puree swirled into homemade whipped cream, but it tastes like a fluffy whipped strawberry ice cream cloud. It’s light, textural, flavorful heaven. And like you may have gathered by this point, it’s really simple to make. Let me show you how to do it!

Video Tutorial in Urdu:

Video Tutorial in English: 


3 cups sliced strawberries
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 cups heavy cream
Mint leaves, for garnish

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